Residing in Colorado, Brian Warchesik is a Graphic Designer and Digital Artist with extensive experience in Illustration, Photographic Compositing, Photographic Retouching, Graphic Design, and Concept Design. Working in a vast array of styles and techniques, Brian has had the pleasure of producing work for a wide variety of clients ranging from the Entertainment to the Financial industries and everything in-between.
Specializing in imagery, his skills include: photo manipulation, photo retouching, photo composites, color correction, 2D and 3D illustration and compositing, animation, hand drawn and painted illustration, print design, layout, composition, production and art direction.
Brian's work has been featured in the design industry books, Illustrator CS Bible, Illustrator CS2 Bible, & Photoshop & Illustrator Synergy Studio Secrets. His work has also been displayed on countless billboards, magazines and websites and was showcased on an episode of CBS’s television show, The District.
• IMP Awards — Finalist for Best Television Poster — Spartacus War Of The Damned Poster Art
• Mark Award — Press Kit — Spartacus War Of The Damned Press Kit
• Promax BDA Awards — Finalist For Retouching and Production Art — Spartacus Vengeance Poster Art
To request a complete resume or for any work related inquiries, please contact me below.
Thanks for contacting me!